Modern firearms fallout 4 2.5
Modern firearms fallout 4 2.5

This might look strange if the player is watching.

modern firearms fallout 4 2.5

  • Currently this function causes the object to reload its entire 3d if they had the item equipped that you modified.
  • modern firearms fallout 4 2.5

  • Currently there is a bug if you do this to an actor in combat they will end up having no weapons drawn and won't attempt to draw any unless forced to do so.
  • This doesn't do much error checking, so if you try to attach a mod to an item that already has the mod, it may silently fail.
  • Reference (from official Bethesda document): If You have two identical items (for example ACR) in your inventory then the scripts will not function for those weapons - which is an official bug. This is necessary for the scripts to function correctly whilst carrying more than one of any particular type of rifle. Pre-war money is the only accepted currency for this pre-war vending machine. Buy components/ammo/personalize your weapon (for avoiding script conflict - explain below) or refund your weapon. Craft a vending machine at the settlement workshops under the crafting section.

    modern firearms fallout 4 2.5

    Scrap the weapons you do not need, and get basic components depends on the weapon type.Ģ. Collect mod related materials/components:ġ.

    Modern firearms fallout 4 2.5