Monster hunter 3 ultimate best weapon
Monster hunter 3 ultimate best weapon

For some reason, Seregios appears to be very easy to trip and focusing on his legs will give you many opportunities to trip him up and land some free hits on his head or tail. The biggest tip a seasoned hunter can give for hunting Seregios is to focus on his legs and belly. You can also avoid bleeding by evading away from the third explosion after getting hit by a scale. There are only three ways to cure bleeding: chowing down on a Well-Done Steak, eating some Mosswine Jerky, or crouching for a bit and taking a rest.

monster hunter 3 ultimate best weapon

Bleeding causes you to lose health when you evade, sprint, or attack. If you get hit by one of his scale or claw attacks, he will inflict this status on you. He also inflicts a unique status affect: bleeding. The major issue is that Steve is very fast and he likes to jump around a lot. However, some players find that he is a difficult monster to hunt. For certain play styles, this could mean you never have to sharpen again. Additionally, the Seregios weapon series has a neat ability: the weapon sharpens itself when you evade.

monster hunter 3 ultimate best weapon

His High-rank and G-rank armor sets are two of the best (non-elder dragon) sets in the game and his weapons have great sharpness and high raw damage.

Monster hunter 3 ultimate best weapon